Monday, January 17, 2011

#JustWondering… … … @!#&*”#*&^

“Cuss words”, “curse words”, “swear words”, “bad language”, “dirty language”, “four letter words”, “naughty words”, “profanity”, “expletives ”,“ obscenity ”,“ whammy” and several order words are what we use to describe what are generally known as “fillers”. Fillers do not mean anything but when used in a sentence, they portray an emotion be it anger, excitement, sadness, frustration, joy etc. More so, words only mean what society terms them to mean. For instance, growing up “gay” meant happy. I stand to be misinterpreted and probably crucified if I say “I feel gay” :D

Fillers are considered negative and are censored from written, audio and visual literature or media even in the most modernized societies. Decent people do not “swear” hence my dilemma. Decent people do not swear but they substitute with other words. These substitutes are termed “minced oaths”. A minced oath, also known as “pseudo profanity” is used to reduce the profanity of an original expression and is supposed to make the word more acceptable and less offensive to the audience. For instance, I can (and I will), use them in this writing without anyone raising eyebrows, however if I use the words in their original form, I will get a lot of “Odun has backslidden” “Odun has been Americanized” “Do you think Odun is still a Christian?” etc. Examples include “flipping” “shoot” “darn” “Jeez” “Oh mi gosh” “heck” “crap” etc. In fact sometimes regular words are used like “Forget.”

I am unapologetically a confirmed and proud “Gleek”, (Glee fan). I watched the episode where the cast performed “Forget You” featuring Gwyneth Paltrow, (enjoy the video below, one of my all-time Glee faves!) and as usual I immediately went on YouTube to compare with the original version. I discovered that there were two original versions by Cee-Lo Green, “F*!@ You” and the radio edit “Forget You”. Ever since then whenever I listen to “Forget You”, the original words, “F*!@ You” come to mind.  Also the same ways the original words come to mind when I use “shoot” “flipping” “crap” etc.

A friend of mine, when chatting usually writes “WTF (flip)”, yes he puts “flip” in parentheses, but I immediately think “f*!@” when he does that.

I don’t think there is any debate over whether it is what you say or what you mean that matters as a follower of Christ. Both matter, your heart, thoughts and intentions lend credence to your words. For instance I say “flip” but mean “f*!@”, “f*!@ matters not flip. But then, I am just expressing an emotion and do not mean any profanity neither word ought to be considered bad, no? It shouldn’t matter which of the variations I use. Personally, I do not use profanity but I do use pseudo-profanity. I know some are holy “like that” and use neither, well, kudos to you, we stained ones, do stuff like that. I guess that’s why we need redemption. :) 

Jesus said “A tree is identified by its fruit… You must give an account of every empty word you speak…” Matt 12: 33-37.

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things” Phil 4: 7-9.

“But really, are these words bad considering they simply express emotions?”


ZeeMayne said...

hahahahahhahahahahhahhaha.... Bless your heart darling...

Me sef haff been 'wondermenting' this thing siiiiiince tey tey far back...

(A non-Nigerian would go 'WTFlipmodesquad' did this person just write?)

Plumbline said...

A lot to ponder on...and the subtle way the 'minced-oaths' creep in..methinks they're d most dangerous cos before u know it, u're soo numb it becomes normal

Anonymous said...

I actually think its all the same and I believe the best is to get angry but sin not. Aint easy I know.

Shawlaa said...

To swear or not to swear? Me, I swear... a lot. I find swearing to be quite therapeutic. *evil laughter*
But not so much in the profanities (not f**k and stuff anyways). I kick my foot against a stone, I don't believe in saying 'ouch' when a heartfelt "Yeeeeparipa" is called for. I use PG tepid swears like 'flip', 'hizzlerizzle' when the situation requires (yep, those situations too *wink*). I use such because 'My my, look at that' just doesn't cut it at that point in time. So, slam me all you will anybody, I don't give a flippin' hizzlerizzle fo'shizzlenizzle! ;) *BIGGRIN*BIGWINK*

4ever4ever said...

good u put d "follower of Christ" clause in there..u kno naa!! its clear wot our manual says..and u ended ur note with it! so,if one's mind keeps going to an original meaning wenever d words are spoken,why speak dem? jus wondering...(mayb it jus makes d soul feel good..and many times,we really feel like feeding the soul dont we,d same way we feed d spirit) these times we're in bros n sis',we HAVE to be d remnant! TOUGH!!!!!

SOLA said...

Seriously, I'm not "one" for profanity prolly cos I grew up the Yoruba way (heeeheeee... Don't go #justwondering o).
And the so called pseudo-oaths truly don't help especially when you know what's been substituted! *smh*
The only pseudo-oath I say a lot is 'oh sugar' (lol... Learnt by association to a sweet Christian leader).
Altogether, your concluding paragraph sums it up for me and that's key to my answer on if it really matters. . . Yes, o matter gan! There are ways to express emotions without crying na; so do away with what's "questionable" and let your conversation be without ?????

Stay pure; speak sweetly **winks**

Funlayo said...

I used to have this 'oh, your grasp of the English language must be rather limited' sneer when I heard people swear.
I don't any more.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... Nice. I must confess that I use such words as 'shoot','heck',abbl. But I really do reason with you and would make amends from now hence forth.

Just wondering what I will say when next I hit my foot against a stone....just-a-wondering!

ZeeMayne said...

hehehehehhe... 'Oh Sugar' ko 'Oh Atarodo' ni... *shines teeth*

Unknown said...

btw is badass a swear word cause it rings often in my head but i don't want to say it out?

4ever4ever said...

if u put a dash btw d words as in bad-ass,then u will be certain its a swear word

Tiem Okori said...

Hmmmmm......yeparipa!!! :D We have our own expressions 'lwkmd' as against 'lmfao' . I wish I knew d diff btw lmfao n lmao...*thinking* time's up! I don't think there is!
personally, I really do not think adding f*@'"#*g to d word disgusting makes wat u'r ref to more disgusting than when u use 'too' disgusting to describe it. It's just a slang, yeah, but.....never mind.
It's really not part of our day2day vocabs here in our hood! (If u knw warimean)

For instance, a friend of mine was chattin on bb, suddenly her fone started hanging, d next thing I heard was 's*#t mehn! this fone is f***@**g annoyin' and I was like huh??? Did u really have to use those words?? Leaving sentiments out of it n of course, not makin a big deal out of anythin, most times it's absolutely unnecessary. #justSaying

Try this, ask someone why he just said his dog was f****@#g dumb! Now ask another guy why he said his dog was retarded. They might probably have d same reason - the dog urinated on d sofa!
Now does dt really make sense? You can be upset n say 'leave my house' with a furious countenance' instead of 'leave my f***@*#g house, a** H#*@' for cryin out flippin loud, they mean the same thing, one just makes u sound like a ****** person.

We just compound things for ourselves. It can be avoided. I can't ask my dad "why d f**# did u flip channels like dt, dad?" (I never crase reach dt level)

The solution is to mind what and who we hang out with. Evil communication corrupts good manners. Sometimes, it's by default, but it's possible to avoid using such slangs n pass across our mesg or register our emotions.

Every empty yan - like u said - will be accounted for. I'm glad u said 'followers of christ'. Can it be avoided? Oh *flippin* yes! :D
but most of us try to defend ourselves afterwards by sayin 'at least I said *heck* instead of *hell* or *flip* instead of *f**#* (wahala dey o!)

"What is wrong with u?" Not "what the hell is wrong with u?" what has 'hell' added to the question nw? Buttresses ur questn?? Hmmm #justSayin

I was talkin to a friend in d US, n she cursed someone whilst on d phone with me. I told her 'can u pls NOT use swear words while having a conversation with me?' (Nicely oooo) She said "sorry, I'll try, but I'm kinda used to it" 'then make urself UNused to it" after dt day, she started gettin a bit used to NOT using them.
I'm like 'it doesn't paint the situation more intense than it really is...literally!'
Now I hope I've bn able to drive home a flipping infinitesimal point. X_X *now adjusting my greenade-proof vest*

Dunzy! said...

Hoke, now let me talk my own! First thank y'all for commenting. Much appreciated.

So far, I get that the general trend is swearing is bad but shouldn't it depend on the context. For instance if I say I am f*^$%#* excited, doesn't that just mean I am soooooooo excited? It doesn't connote profanity and the listener obviously knows what I mean. As I said in my post, words take on the meaning given to them by society and in that context it simply means "very very very very very". I'm neither angry neither am I implying any dirty meaning

And as Shawlaa said, if I hit my foot and I use any of those words, it only means "yeparipa" and agan, the listener knows exactly what I mean.

I am not advocating for the use of swear words or vulgarity. I don't even use them. Occasionally, I do the minced oaths but are swear words when not used in a negative context wrong?

You would agree with me that almost every thing in this world is weighed in its context to determine its positive or negative value because all things can be used for good and bad.

Hmmmn, this my dilemma is yet to be
addressed ooooo!!!

4ever4ever said...

you're the one bringing this dilemma upon yourself ooo!! is clear!!

swear words are exactly what they are...SWEAR WORDS..and baibu tok say make we no dey swear...finish

if you like, make you dey complicate

Shawlaa said...

In the roughest sense, almost any expression is a swear word. Just because it's in local parlance doesn't bring the difference we choose to dream up for it. "Haba!" Swear word. "Kai!" Swear word. "Chineke!" Swear word. "Msscheww!" Swear word. "Yeeparipa!" Swear word. "Jezzus Christ!" Swear word. Even most phone and internet emoticons and smileys are substitute swear words. So, if you wanna get "ultra-super-duper holier-than-thou", desist from the list above.

I understand staying away from those nasty foul words (you know the ones), but to strike out 'Heck' and harmless words on the basis that they fall under the banner "swear words" is to be myopic about what constitutes a swear word.

When i am angry... really angry I feel a "F**k this Sh*t!!!" building in my throat, it is all I can do scream "What the Flippin hizzle!" This not only exclaims my immediate emotion, but also lends me and my 'victim' a little laughter (let's face it, it is not the most scary swear out there). Not saying that it is cool that I still think some foul words at all, but gimme a break... at least I am not saying it.

Wanna talk semantics? Do you realize that most non-swear words now have dual meanings? I work in an advertising agency where you can't say "come", "coming", "thing", or even "it" without someone misconstruing it.

People, i don't do semantics, I do intent. If you say a word, any word, with any form of emphasis ahead of, behind, or acting as a form of adjective within a statement or response, it can almost always be viewed as a swear word. So, rack up a scorecard for anyone and everyone if you will, but frankly i think it's a waste of hizzlerizzlin'woo'yeah'huh-hun-nizzling time (and reeks with self-righteousness and hypocrisy).

PS: Don't use foul words. But don't turn into a language-zombie in the name of political correctness.

PPS: This controversy was sponsored by he who they call Shawlaa Mossrow. Hmpf!

4ever4ever said...

thank you sir Mossrow for helping we d myopic,language zombie and self righteous ones to see what constitutes a swear word..

i take this personal...let d war btw d self righteous and d unrighteous begin!!


sponsored by...i'll send a mail to ur fb

Shawlaa said...

by the way "LoL" is a swear word.

Shawlaa said...

by the way "LoL" is a swear word.

Unknown said...

so the difference between badass (word)and bad-ass(swear word) is a dash, how would you know which am referring to?