Saturday, January 15, 2011


No man is a fountain of knowledge, we learn every day. In my quest to learn and better myself, I am starting a series called #JustWondering. I am unable to predict how regular it will be but I assure you, you will see it every now and then, you see there is a lot I do not know and I really want to learn.

#JustWondering topics will range from the extremely mundane to the most crucial and important issues. Underlying all the issues though is my curiosity to know more and I invite you who indulge me by reading my writings to educate me with your facts, figures, logic, experience, opinion etc. I am hoping as you educate me, you will also learn a thing or two from others. Some topics, scratch that, most topics, are likely to be controversial and may foster debate, but debate is healthy, no? Topics will likely border on behavioral, political, ethical... basically, life issues, of course not leaving out current happenings and events.

If my writing has a #JustWondering tag, it implies I am to a large extent undecided about the issue and can be swayed one way or the other with valid reasoning.

Do not judge me by my #JustWondering, I am only bold enough to invite comments on issues you also question but would rather pretend don’t exist or “accept” and “pray” about. And if you think there is something I ought to be “#JustWondering” about, please let me know, if I am really “Just Wondering” about the issue, I will write about it, If I am not “JustWondering” but I consider it a topic that will foster healthy discussion, I will write on it. However, I may decide not to write on some, remember, it is my blog* and I can do as I please “it’s my party, I can cry if I want to, cry if I want to”  (That line is becoming a cliche in my writings, right? LOL)

#JustWondering will mostly end with the question begging to be answered starting with the words "But really...?"

I'm so looking forward to some moderating healthy (hopefully) discussions.

Watch this space!! “#Just wondering… … … @!#&*”#*&^” coming at you soon 

But really, is that why we are here? 

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