Monday, January 3, 2011

It's 2011, so WHAT???

In case you were thinking that I made the title shocking to attract you to read my article, you are so wrong, I really do mean every word of the title, however read through to the end before you decide to stone me. I am not a kill-joy, neither am I a pessimist but I do believe little changed between 11.59pm Friday, December 31, 2010 and 12.00am Saturday January 1, 2011 except for probably where people found themselves at that time. For most Nigerians, it was probably in one church or the other while for the rest of the world; it was with family at some location admiring fireworks display or getting drunk at a club or a party. Irrespective of location, I wonder if after all the excitement, screams, reveling, dancing, drinking, eating and rejoicing because the calendar now read 1/1/2011, life took a dramatic turn? Did the world change for good? Did the universe make a pivotal spin and decide to perch at a new angle? Was there suddenly world peace? Did global warming (now called climate change) cease? Did corruption end in Nigeria? Did NEPA* decide to #lightupNigeria? Did PDP* decide not to rig at the 2011 elections? Did Odunoluwa lose weight? Did she win Miss Universe? I THINK NOT! My people will say “how has it affected the price of fish in the market?”

Truth and stark reality is nothing has changed. A new year just like a new second, or minute, or hour, or day, or week or month is simply a measurement of time and has no associated magic or charm that reverses or renews lives and situations. Because it is a new year, life is not going to get better, neither is it going to get worse. Because it is a new year, there won’t be a sudden zest for living that will transform an otherwise mundane or under accomplished life. Because it is a new year, no inner inspiration or outward impartation is going to come upon anybody to complete an otherwise unfinished project or begin a new one. Ever wondered why for the vast majority, New Year resolutions are thrown out of the window by the second week in January, okay, I’ll be generous and stretch it to February. You need not be a Socrates, an Aristotle or an Odunoluwa to figure out why that happens.

As you have probably figured out by now, I absolutely do not believe in making New Year resolutions. How can a well formed and developed thinking adult think that because it is 2011, (s)he is going to drop some bad habits or (s)he will develop new ones. Do you in your heart of hearts think because it is a Tuesday, you will stop a habit you indulged in the Monday before? COMMON!! Making any form of resolutions, be it new second or new minute should not be because the second or minute is new, it should be a determined and well-thought out decision having justified the reason(s) for making that resolution.

As I mentioned earlier, the year just like other time parameters such as seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks and months is simply a standard of measurement. It is for measuring blocks of time as miles or meters is for measuring distance. You are probably thinking I do not believe in celebrating the new year, on the contrary, I do think it should be celebrated if you are so inclined (me, I am so inclined, I appreciate every opportunity to count my blessings or give thanks), I celebrate it the same way I will celebrate my birthday, Thanksgiving, Christmas or any other occasion. It’s simply a day which provides an opportunity to mark a milestone, a day to reflect, a day to bless someone, a day to show your love for another, a day to pray for someone, a day to party and for some it might actually be an opportunity to think and make decisions but nothing happens simply because it is a new year.

I know a few of my friends may consider my next assertion blasphemous but think about it before you crucify me, God is not going to do anything new in your life because it is a new year! I’m sorry but I am neither a fan, nor a believer of yearly slogans. Haba!* How dare you limit my God in time!  He is bigger than time, he is not bound by any standards, be it time, place or whatever!! He dwells in eternity!!! A miracle isn’t going to happen in 2011 because it is 2011, NO WAY, it is going to happen because my timeless God says it will happen and that just so happens to be in the year 2011 or in June, or on a Wednesday or at 10.47am. He is ALWAYS on time, so how can he be bound by years?

Do not get me wrong, my assertion isn’t that having expectations or making plans based on years is wrong, if not for the measurement of time, how else will I be able to organize my life or make plans or have friends, family and foe ask "Odun , when are you getting married"? But in my opinion, that is all there is to 2011, 2020 or any other year, day or month etc. The start of a new year is an opportunity to celebrate life and be thankful for circumstances. It is simply a measurement of life and milestones achieved.

I know not everyone agrees with me, in fact, I am certain I have offended some sensibilities, I have absolutely no apologies, as I said in my “Re-induction into blogging” piece which you can read at, “it’s my parry, I can cry if I want to, cry if I want to” ;)

Please visit again!

*NEPA – one of the first words uttered by many Nigerian children, an acronym meaning National Electric Power Authority, the former name of the electricity regulatory body in Nigeria. However, it is the name still used by many.

*PDP – Peoples’ Democratic Party, the ruling political party in Nigeria sometimes referred to as Peoples' Destruction Party and many other interpretations.

 *Haba – A Nigerian exclamation meaning all sorts depending on the context of usage.


Anonymous said...

I am on your side. I drank garri at midnight, worked on my business till morning, slept till 12pm woke up having not shaved for 3 days and lazed about all day. New year was another day for me.

Where I don't agree with you is whether or not people's resolutions are affected by New year mentality, and whether or not change happens. Change truly happens for some who believe in the new year illusion. The issue is whether or not the new year is real or illusory, the issue is, as many believe in it can make it work for themselves. Very much like wooden idols. It works miracles for some because they 'believe' in it....even though you and I know all wooden idols are, are carved decorations hewn from wood.

As you can see, you have started blogging again cos its the new year ... LOL

Ifelanwa said...

I am on your side. I drank garri at midnight, worked on my business till morning, slept till 12pm woke up having not shaved for 3 days and lazed about all day. New year was another day for me.

Where I don't agree with you is whether or not people's resolutions are affected by New year mentality, and whether or not change happens. Change truly happens for some who believe in the new year illusion. The issue is whether or not the new year is real or illusory, the issue is, as many believe in it can make it work for themselves. Very much like wooden idols. It works miracles for some because they 'believe' in it....even though you and I know all wooden idols are, are carved decorations hewn from wood.

Funlayo said...

One of my new year resolutions is to visit dunzysworld frequently ;-)

Seriously now, I like the illusion of a 'new year' - it is a psychological affirmation that you can change this at some bridge.

xplizitsouljah said...

most people acknowledge this change in calender and use the opportunity to party hard. we all do but the context of the party is relative. what i just dont fancy is the hypocritical way we sing about the new year and the superstitions that we allow becloud our minds. all in the name of a new year. not surprisingly, christians are the most guilty of these features.
i do think though that new year resolutions can be effective by persons who have measured and reflected on their positions in the past year and have resolved to do some things better or basically overhaul their lifestyles.

Plumbline said...

Kai! this is Cold Turkey! Ice-Cold water splashed on a sleepy head on a Winter/Harmattan Morning but serious food for thought

Dunzy! said...

LOL, thanks guys for stopping over and commenting. I'm hoping having an audience will spur me into some form of consistency....

BTW, I didn't start blogging again because its a new year, I actually started December 24, If I had started January, my warped reasoning would make that an excuse when or if I decide to become lazy again :D

Tiem Okori said...

wait a minute? i left two comments this morning.....*insert bbm crying smiley*
Anywyz, i can convince anyone we sat together and wrote individual notes on this whole 'new year' hype. Making New year resolutions isn't a bad thing, but If we really desire change, why do we renew it annually, and not daily?
Well-written, pasO. i need to go and review mine. :D

yab4b4bestie said...

Bestie...all i can say is i misssssssssssssss uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehehehehehe.... of course i read all u wrote and have been writing! you know we are one when it comes to these thoughts and reasonings..

MissBalance said...

Makes a lot of sense to me. I believe in giving thanks to God in/for all things which definitely include a new year and then I carry on with my goals for each month with hardwork, preparation and timing being the constants, whether or not it's the middle of the year.

But really o, Odun, when are you getting married? :D

Shadrach Saddih said...

Heeheehee! Odun my sister! This is a message I am looking forward to preaching (Just another day). The need for a reality check of this sort cannot be over emphasized. So much superstition and utter nonsense is going on as perpetuated by the so called Clergy for their selfish reasons, its gonna take years, decades maybe to correct.

Carry go Odun, na your parry do am any how you like and make who no like am go hug transformer. The truth must be told.

Dunzy! said...

LOL, Thank y'all for commenting

Aduke! Aduke!! Aduke!!!! How many times did I call you????? Don't ask elders such questions :D