Thursday, January 22, 2009


... So I always promise to be consistent and I never am, goodness me, Dunzy, the master (mistress) procasinator. I didn't even post a single time all through '08, anyway that's all water under the bridge now.
It's a new year and by God's grace, I hope to post at least once a month, 12 posts in a year shouldn't bee too difficult? Amin Jesu!!
So what's this first post going to be about, I really do not know cause I started to type on impulse without giving it much of a thought. Hopefully, I'll make sense by the time I conclude the post.... so what gives... emn...emn...emn, ok, I'll talk about an experience I had yesterday.
I rededicated my life to GOD last night. Not like I haven't been a good "christian girl", I guess I just haven't been where I'm supposed to be. My rededication isn't about the life I've lived per se but more about the life I've not lived.
The time I've not spent in prayer, the effort I've not put in service, the lack of impulsiveness in worship, the reluctance to spend more time in the word, restricting studying his word to my quiet time, justifying and rationalising my omissions and mistake... kinda like a relationship of convenience.
What inspired this rededication was a message on Jonah and I'm sure you're wondering what has Jonah got to do with rededicating a life... Jonah's was a life which was not willing to do the will of God because he was of the opinion that the Assyrian's were not deserving of God's mercy. My own reason for not doing God's will has nothing to do with thinking some people are unworthy of his mercy. If I were to be fair, I'll say it has more to do with laziness and procastination.
I'm privileged to know that God has great plans for my life and has great need of my life but then I have not done much in the way of yielding myself to him. TO WHOM MUCH IS GIVEN, MUCH IS EXPECTED. God has been too merciful and gracious, the least I can do is present my body as a living sacrifice.
Yesterday really was an experience for me, I was completely broken, the last time (which i thought would be the only time), I experienced "brokeness" this profound was in my 200level when I consciously and deliberately laid down my life at His feet.
I wish we all would present our lives to Him
I wish we all would take a stand for Him
I wish we all will would have a heart to do his will.
Catch you soon!

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