Friday, December 24, 2010

My Re-induction into Blogging

On September 19, 2007, I wrote an article titled "My Induction into Blogging". Today is December 24, 2010 and I've titled this, "My Re-induction into Blogging". Between my first article and this, I have written only three articles *covers eyes in shame*. I am not going to make any promises or set any unattainable feats for myself but I am so hoping this is a new start. I also hope my writing has evolved between now and then.

I really do like to write and I like to think I do write well, however I lack the required discipline and consistency to make it to the point where I can actually call myself a writer. I really do hope this changes from today. I would occasionally put some of my Facebook notes to make up for any downtime I am unable to blog but I would always make an effort to put up something original every now and then.

I originally took up blogging as a relic of a relationship gone sour but now, I am taking it up again just because... LoL, anyway, I'm doing this for me, I hope to have fun while doing it and I hope you have fun too. I'll share my thoughts, my opinions, my views, basically its the world as I see it, "It's my parry, I can cry if I want to, cry if I want to!" LoL.

Welcome to my zones dudes and dudettes!! Watch this space!!