Thursday, November 22, 2007

...So Far!!

"Jeez! girl, how unreliable can you get!! You promised to blog consistently!!! What on earth happened??"

"What can I say, am sorry, work,work,work."

"Ain't no excuse at all."

"Then I guess I just reiterate my apology and redeem my image with time"

"I guess time will tell... so what have you been up to girl??"

Let the blogging begin...

Well, it's been aeons since I wrote so there's much to tell, I'll try to be brief, don't want to lose your attention.

As usual God's been awesome, and I thank Him cos He's kept me glued on Him, even when I have been so unfaithful. I guess I just can't get enough of Him. I really really do love God, I don't know how to convey the depth of my love of Him to You cos as I think and write about Him right now, my heart is so bursting with emotions and am almost in tears. I guess am just so overwhelmed by His grace and I keep wondering do I deserve all this...(yeah, I guess I'll be writing about my experience and perception of His grace pretty soon).

Ok, what's been going on in my life?...yeah I finally found a church I do enjoy attending here in Port Harcourt, It's called The King's Assembly, the worship is beautiful, the word is word and of course, music is good. Still miss This Present House though and I am so looking foward to December when I go to Lagos and I get to attend church.

I also met a new friend and I'm so enjoying my conversations with this my new friend. My perceptions about my new friend: Very intelligent, deep, witty, funny and.... I'll fill you in with time as I discover more. Yeah, I also met a new human being...can't term him a friend or an acquaintance, so i'll term him human being. He shares my surname and in my magnamity, i accepted his invite on facebook and gave him my yahoo id. Jeez! the guy's been hounding me ever since. Had to warn him not to call me babe or darling...for Pete's sake, we've not said a total of fifty words to each other and you're babing and darlining me; and asking for my phone number!!...anyway that's the way people are I guess.

I also did an evaluation of my priorities amd I came to some conclusions:
  • I have to learn where to draw the line between being ambitious and being overambitious. Ambitious, excellent. Overambotious, dangerous.
  • I need to be more pushy about certain issues, I won't get them lieing on my oars, I have to attack.
  • Most importantly, I need to continue to rest in the knowledge that Christ is taking me Places.

Now what else happened, many else has happened but I don't want to force it down your thoat in one gulp so I guess that means we have a date...I'll fill you in soon.

Am outta here...