Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Ok, ...i finally take the plunge to join blogsphere. I'm hoping I'll be consistent, have fun putting my thoughts down and of course, improve my writing skills.

To you, intelligent ones who are smart enough to visit my blog, I give kudos. I promise to be honest about whatever I post (if i can't be honest about an issue, i won't write about it). I also intend to respect my audience, veiwers, readers...(don't know the description to use), anyway I was saying, I promise to respect you by being entertaing, educative, stimulating, inspirational, encouraging and of course, by being careful with my tenses and grammar.

Now, how did I get introduced into the world of blogging, to put it aptly, it was one of the souvenirs I took away from a relationship that went sour. Then I chexked out a couple and thought to myself "this seems like fun"... so here I am drafting my first post. I hope to be consistent and post regularly. Of course I have to ensure I dont do it on my boss' time.

People, I will start by writing about people and events that have influenced me at various stages in my life, maybe occassionally, i might write about current issues.

My intention is not to bore you, so enjoy my entry into the world of blogging and be expectant...need i say more??